


September 13, 2015, Ven. Vūpasama Thero and Ven. Upali Thero from Sri Lanka, gave a transnational Dhamma preaching on “Meditation Corresponding to the Wisdom of Nidāna”, at the Cultural Square of Longshan Temple, New Taipei.

一場交映生輝的智慧饗宴-紀錄影片連結: https://youtu.be/l88Bk3NPY2A

合作勝過輸贏—四聖諦佛教聯合宣法隨佛長老開場精彩節錄 影片連結: https://youtu.be/zwQGqhLBB0o

2015年5月13日,跨國禪法宣流講座─追隨 佛陀教法的真義,日本禪宗東隆真禪師、原始佛教隨佛禪師聯合示禪。

May 13, 2015, Ven. Vūpasama Thero, the mentor of Original Buddhism Society, and Japanese Zen Master Takamatsu Shin, jointly gave a transnational Dhamma preaching on “Following the Original Meaning of the Buddha's Teachings”.

2014年10月4日,龍山寺文化廣場座談會:「原始佛法 vs 現代心理學」。

October 4, 2014, Ven. Vūpasama Theo and two psychologists held a symposium on "Original Buddhism vs Modern Psychology", at the Cultural Square of Longshan Temple, New Taipei.

https://youtu.be/fsDecqWhGLc (上)
https://youtu.be/5XOzLEb4gMA (中)
https://youtu.be/mvE6niXYW-o (下)


April 5, 2014, Ven. Vūpasama Thero gave a speech on "Enlightened View of Wealth and Career Planning" at the Nanyang Business Daily, Malaysia.

電子書下載連結: https://www.arahant.org/chu-ban-kan-deng/zheng-jue-cai-fu-guan


March 22, 2014, Ven. Vūpasama Thero and Dr. Li Zhixiang presented a dialogue on "Harmonious Life and Interpersonal Relationships" at the Nanyang Business Daily, Malaysia.


https://www.arahant.org/2014-he-xie-ren-sheng-ren-ji-guan-xi-1 (一)
https://www.arahant.org/2014-he-xie-ren-sheng-ren-ji-guan-xi-2 (二)
https://www.arahant.org/2014-he-xie-ren-sheng-ren-ji-guan-xi-3 (三)


October 24 to November 2, 2013, Ven. Vūpasama Thero preached Buddha’s original teachings in Australia for the first time.


April 20, 2013, Ven. Vūpasama Thero, clinical psychologist Yang Yi, psychological counselor Zhou Xiaodan, and senior psychiatrist Yin Yuanyuan, participated in a symposium on "The Dialogue and Consensus between Buddhism and Psychology" at the Overseas Chinese Cultural and Education Center in Boston.


January 5, 2013, Ven. Vūpasama Thero gave a speech on "Crossing the Road and Overcoming the Sadness" at the Nanyang Business Daily, Malaysia.


December 5, 2012, Ven. Vūpasama Thero gave a speech on “Setback is the Best Path in Developmental Ladder" at the Nanyang Business Daily, Malaysia.

2010年9月25日下午,在紐約法拉盛華僑文教中心,由紐約華人作家協會、美國原始佛教會合辦的淨化人心講座,邀請美國原始佛教會導師Ven. Bhikkhu Vūpasama隨佛法師,以「一個僧人看現代社會」的角度,為現代工商社會下的紐約市民,提出生活的反思及務實的安頓之道。 當天有王鼎鈞、施叔青、趙俊邁等,三位傑出、資深、知名的華人作家,連席主持講座,並當場接受市民的提問 。

Sep 25, 2010, a symposium on “Purification of human nature” was held by the Chinese Writers Association of New York and the Original Buddhism Society of America, at the Flushing Overseas Chinese Cultural and Educational Center. Ven. Vūpasama Thero, the mentor of Original Buddhism Society, was invited to give a Dhamma talk on “Facing the Modern Society from a Bhikkhu’s Perspective”, in which he proposed a practical method to reflect on the life and settling one’s heart for the New Yorkers. Three well-known Chinese writers, Wang Dingjun, Shi Shuqing and Zhao Junmai, presided over the lecture and took questions from the audiences.

弘法影片連結: https://youtu.be/aah2sB1lEO8