

中道僧團(Sambodhi Saṅgha)是以南傳《相應部》與北傳《雜阿含》傳誦的『七事修多羅』為修證依止的僧團,『七事修多羅』是初始經典結集所集成的原始法藏。中道僧團修持,重視因緣法的正見與身心的覺觀,落實離貪的解脫。中道僧團與尼僧團以常年禪觀的方式修行,奉守終生不受取、不積蓄、不使用金錢,也沒有代為收受、管理金錢與供養的「淨人」。

中道僧團常年在臺灣及世界各地,宣揚 佛陀原說教法,傳授中道禪法:修七覺分,次第成就四聖諦三轉、十二行,讓佛法能夠實證與實用於現實人生,利益世人解決現實問題,開展光明燦爛的人生。

佛正覺後 2450 年1月14〜15日,公元2018年3月1〜2日,中道僧團隨佛禪師迎請斯里蘭卡 Amarapura Nikāya 的大長老 Most Ven. Kammatthanacara Dodampahala Chandrasiri Maha Nayaka Thera 及 Siam Nikāya 的長老Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi Maha Thera 等十位斯里蘭卡僧團大德,在臺北內覺禪林建立原始佛教根本戒場,並傳比丘戒。

自此,隨佛禪師領導中道僧團,自斯里蘭卡 Most Ven. Kammatthanacara Dodampahala Chandrasiri Maha Nayaka Thera 承續經兩千四百多年傳承的解脫僧團律脈,也建立原始佛教兩部僧團的傳承。


Sambodhi Saṅgha Bhikkhus

Sambodhi Saṅgha's practice and cultivation is based on the Seven Categories of Suttas common to the Southern lineage Theravada's Saṃyutta-Nikāya and the Northern lineage's Saṃyukta-Āgama. The Seven Categories of Suttas are the earliest recorded teachings of the Buddha from the first Buddhist council.

Sambodhi Saṅgha propagates the Buddha’s original teachings in Taiwan and other places around the world all year round, teaching the Middle-Path Practice, that is, practicing the Seven Factors of Enlightenment and hence, attaining in stages the three rounds and twelve aspects of the Four Noble Truths. By doing so, the Buddha’s teachings are applied and testified in real lives to help solve problems and develop a bright and successful life.

In the 2450th year of Enlightenment of Buddha Era, on the 14th-15th days of first lunar month; (i.e. March 1st to 2nd, 2018 C.E.), Venerable Vūpasama Thero of Sambodhi Saṅgha invited the Most Ven. Kammatthanacara Dodampahala Chandrasiri Maha Nayaka Thero of Amarapura Nikāya, Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi Maha Thero of Siam Nikāya and 8 other Theros from Sri Lanka to Taiwan, established the Fundamental Sima of Original Buddhism, and performed an Upasampadā Ordination.

Hereafter, the Sambodhi Saṅgha led by Venerable Vūpasama Thero acceded this sacred linage in Taiwan, a Buddhism lineage from Sri Lanka with a history of over 2400 years.