July 23, 2018, Ven. Vūpasama Thero led Sambodhi Saṅgha and nine-precept practitioners to Myanmar for exchanges and cooperation with local monasteries. They participated in the Saṅgha Summer Retreat Ceremony on July 28. Due to local flooding caused by continuous rainstorm, Original Buddhism Society members participated in the disaster relief work on July 31. Original Buddhism Society donated 15,000 Kg of rice, 260 buckets of 20L drinking water, 540 buckets of 5L drinking water, 5,220 packs of instant noodles, as aid to the urgent, much needed materials for eight monasteries and 1,000 disaster-hit villagers. They also provided nutritious lunch for 1,000 people on three consecutive days. The disaster victims were comforted and grateful to the benevolence of Ven. Vūpasama Thero and Original Buddhism Society.
原始佛教會對緬甸勃固地區雨季賑災 報導 影片連結: https://youtu.be/EHsa7OJ5J1c
2017年3月21〜24日,隨佛禪師與中道僧團僧眾及原始佛教會法工,前往緬甸仰光,拜訪仰光近郊的多間寺院,推展美國原始佛教會「扶助孤童非營利組織──Compassion for Children」的教務。將「美國原始佛教會Compassion for Children」的部分公益慈善基金捐助仰光附近的佛教寺院,給予孤童妥善的幫助與照顧。
March 21 to 24, 2017, Ven. Vūpasama Thero led Sambodhi Saṅgha and lay people of the Original Buddhism Society to Yangon, Myanmar. They visited many monasteries in the suburbs of Yangon, and promoted the Dhamma work of “Compassion for Children” of the Original Buddhism Society in America. They donated part of the charity fund of "Compassion for Children" to the monasteries near Yangon, in support of care and well being of local orphans.
原始佛教會於緬甸仰光供僧記錄報導: https://youtu.be/LwfzAf3iHBE
看望佛陀之子:在寺院學習的小沙彌和孤童 影片連結: https://youtu.be/g4CnQksR6xE
【人間關懷:一元濟貧涓滴情 開展慈悲緬甸行】系列報導一 看望佛陀的女兒:八戒女和小小八戒女: https://youtu.be/oH93R2EOCc0