


中道僧團(Sambodhi Saṅgha)奉守「第一次結集」的經法傳誦,以部派分裂以前的聖弟子僧團為根本依止,承續阿難系與優波離系的古老經法傳承,遵守南傳僧律傳承,復歸「依經依律」的僧團正統。中道僧團為了宣揚、傳續 佛陀的真實教法,依因緣法、四聖諦之「原始佛法」,實現世間、出世間通達無礙的「人間佛教」(一乘菩提道),在臺灣、美國、澳洲、馬來西亞成立傳續原始佛法的「原始佛教會」Original Buddhism Society,致力引攝世人回歸佛陀之道。

原始佛教會以回歸 釋迦佛陀教導之原貌,確立奉守「原始佛法與律戒」之僧團,體現「依經依律、尊僧和俗、性別平權、政教分離」之原始佛教教團為宗旨。

A Brief Introduction of Original Buddhism Society

The Sambodhi Saṅgha adheres to the Suttas collected by the First Buddhist Council. It follows the fundamental practice of the Noble Saṅgha before the Buddhist schism, and continues  transmitting the Suttas from the ancient tradition of Ānanda lineage and Upāli lineage. The Saṅgha abides by the Vinaya, and reinstates an orthodox Saṅgha that follows the Sutta and Vinaya.

The Saṅgha establishes Original Buddhism Societies in Taiwan, USA, Australia and Malaysia to guide the people to rediscover the Buddha’s path. The societies promote and transmit the true teaching of the Buddha in accordance with Causation and Four Noble Truths. It is Humanistic Buddhism that is applicable to both the mundane and supra-mundane worlds.

The objectives of Original Buddhism Society are to rediscover the Buddha's original teachings; to support a Saṅgha that abides by the Buddha’s original teaching and Vinaya; to adhere to the Sutta and Vinaya, respect the Saṅgha and unite lay devotees, uphold equal rights in gender and segregate religion from politics.